World metropolis on the Elbe
With around 1.85 million inhabitants and 755 square kilometers, the Elbe metropolis is the second largest city in Germany seven Districts and 104 districts The island of Neuwerk in the North Sea is one of them.
the port belongs to the largest transhipment ports worldwide and makes Hamburg together with the international Airport "Helmut Schmidt" to an important one logistic location . Economically and scientifically, the metropolis is above all in the area of Aerospace Engineering , the life sciences and the information technology as well as for the consumer goods industry and as media location significant. Since 1996, Hamburg has also been the seat of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ISGH).
Hamburg is experiencing strong growth in the field of international City tourism and is in Ranking with the highest life quality in the world far above.The historical warehouse district and the neighboring Kontorhausviertel have been part of the since 2015 UNESCO World Heritage Site. acquaintances cultural monuments and landmarks are Hamburg City Hall and the five main churches . They are typical for Hamburg clinker facades. The "Elphi", the internationally renowned concert hall The Elbphilharmonie symbolizes the living culture of the city .
Urban, busy and just as green, these are the attributes of this district. Anyone who lives here enjoys a special flair. Wandsbek has the best connection to public transport, bus, S-Bahn and long-distance train. Lively retail trade and optimal medical care are further plus points. Kindergartens and schools can be found in the immediate vicinity of the newly created residential park.
24 state-of-the-art apartments
We are exclusively marketing 24 condominiums in Hamburg Wandsbek for a well-known developer from the banking metropolis Frankfurt/Main. Start is in April 2022, completion is planned for 2023. State-of-the-art apartments in houses of four units each will make your heart beat faster. Be among the first to be typed on the list, we will keep you informed - just a click away.